Product Application: The Right Amount and Order (vs My Reality!)

Disclaimer: If pregnant or breast feeding, please discuss with your dermatologist which product you can use! Some acne treatment, retinoids and/or other acid treatments are forbidden if you are pregnant or breastfeed! 

In my previous article, “Patience and Consistency in Skincare: The Key to good Results”, I emphasized the importance of patience in skincare, highlighting that consistency is the key to seeing results over the long run. 

However, order and quantity are just as crucial as patience. This is why I wanted to write an article on this topic too, to complete the series by focusing not just on the products themselves, but on how you use them. Dedication, order, and the right amount are also essential parts of a good skincare routine!

When it comes to skincare, a question a lot of people have in mind is: How much is too little, and how much is too much? Knowing the right amount and order of applying skincare products is key to getting the most out of them. Using too much can be just as ineffective as using too little. 

It’s important to find that balance to make sure your products work their best. 

Personally, I tend to overdo it, especially when it comes to acne treatments, which can end up drying out my skin. I struggled with finding the right amount to avoid damaging my skin, and I must admit, I often apply too much moisturizer. Is that bad? 

So, to avoid skin irritation or pore-clogging keep reading to know why proper application and order matter for healthy, glowing skin!

What is Product Application and Order?

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Product application and order refer to how you apply your skincare products and in what sequence. This means using the right amount of each product and putting them on in the correct steps, like applying a serum before a moisturizer or an eye cream after cleansing. Doing this right helps each product work its best and gives you the glowing skin you want.

The Importance of Proper Application Amounts and Order in Skincare

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The order in which you apply your skincare products is crucial for several reasons, primarily absorption and effectiveness. Each product in your skincare routine is formulated with specific ingredients designed to address different skin concerns. To maximize their benefits, these products need to penetrate the skin in the correct sequence.

Indeed, for example using too little sunscreen, won’t provide you with adequate protection against harmful UV rays. Similarly, too little cleanser won’t efficiently clean your skin, while using too much may clog your pores and lead to issues such as acne. Therefore, finding the right balance in the amount of products you use is essential.

Also, when applied in the proper order, each product can fully absorb into the skin, allowing the active ingredients to work as intended. Generally, skincare routines should start with the lightest, water-based products, such as serums and essences, which can penetrate deeply into the skin. Heavier and oil-based products like moisturizers and oils should be applied afterward to seal in the previous layers and create a barrier that locks in moisture and active ingredients.

This concept is known as layering, and it’s a fundamental principle in skincare routines. 

Layering methods

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Layering involves applying products in a sequence from the thinnest to the thickest consistency. This ensures that each product can effectively reach its target area within the skin. For example, applying a moisturizer before a serum can prevent the serum from properly penetrating the skin, rendering it less effective.

Moreover, certain products are designed to prepare the skin for the subsequent steps. Toners, for example, can balance the skin’s pH and enhance the absorption of serums and treatments that follow. Sunscreens, which should always be the final step in your daytime routine, create a protective layer that shields the skin from harmful UV rays without blocking the efficacy of the products applied before it.

In summary, understanding and following the correct application order can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your skincare routine, ensuring that each product works to its full potential and contributes to healthier, more radiant skin.

General Guidelines for Product Amounts

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Knowing the typical amounts needed for various skincare products can help you avoid waste and ensure your skin gets the right balance of ingredients. Here are some general guidelines using common descriptors to facilitate quantity visualization:

Step-by-Step Guide to Skincare Routine in Theory vs My Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine in Theory: 

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that each product in your skincare routine is used effectively and efficiently, both in the morning and at night.

My Skincare Routine:

See my full skincare routine in more details (with the product I currently use) in my previous article, here

So, my skincare routine is pretty basic, but it does the trick for me right now. I’ve figured out what works for my skin—keeping it simple and focusing on products that target my main concerns. I use retinoids for fighting acne and keeping those wrinkles away, and azelaic acid for brightening up my skin and managing rosacea. I might add some other serums but for the moment I am happy with this routine. 

As for eye cream, well, it’s kind of a hot topic among dermatologists. Some say you need it, others say your regular moisturizer or a bit of Vaseline does the job. Personally, I’m in the camp of ‘less is more’, but everyone’s skin is different, so, go ahead and find what works best for you! PS: I put a little bit of retinoids under my eyes to target wrinkles, apply my regular moisturizer on top, and seal with Vaseline.

The key thing is knowing your skin—what it needs and what issues you’re dealing with. For me, it’s all about keeping the acne in check, fighting off those signs of aging, and dealing with rosacea flare-ups. With a help from my dermatologist and some research, I’ve found the right products, like prescription tretinoids and azelaic acid, to tackle those problems head-on.

In today’s world of social media and endless skincare options, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and pile on product after product. But honestly, you don’t need a 50-step routine.

“Protection, prevention, cleansing, and moisturizing are the key components of an effective skincare routine. Because most sun damage results from everyday, incidental ultraviolet exposure, rather than occasional bursts while on vacation, dermatologists recommend daily use of sunscreens.”1

Keep it simple, for starter: cleanser, moisturizer, (retinoids), sunscreen. Then, if you need it, add in a serum or treatment that targets your specific skin issues.

My routine might not be your routine, and that’s okay! We’ve all got different skin types and different lifestyles, so what works for me might not work for you. The key is finding what works for you and sticking with it!

Tips for Maximizing Product Effectiveness

Source: Freepik

Maximizing the effectiveness of your skincare products goes beyond just applying them in the right amounts and order. Here are some additional tips to enhance their efficacy:

Waiting Time Between Layers:

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After applying each skincare product, it’s essential to allow some time for it to absorb fully before applying the next one. This waiting time ensures that each product has the opportunity to penetrate the skin and deliver its active ingredients effectively. Generally, waiting for about 30 seconds to 1 minute between layers is sufficient, although this may vary depending on the product and your skin type.

Personally, I like to wait a bit longer between applying moisturizer and retinoids—about 15 to 20 minutes. I’ve found that when the moisturizer is almost fully absorbed, the retinoids seem to work better without any interference, and my skin gets the full potential of the treatment. Now, this isn’t based on any scientific evidence or advice from a doctor, just my own gut feeling. I could totally be wrong about it, but it works for me!

Patience and Consistency are Key:

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As we saw in my pervious article, patience and consistency are crucial in skincare. It’s essential to stick to your skincare routine consistently, both in terms of products used and the frequency of application. Consistently using the right products in the right order allows for cumulative benefits and helps address specific skin concerns over time. Remember, patience is key, and visible results may take some time to appear.

Personally, when it comes to retinoids, I learned the hard way to start slow. I jumped right into full strength and ended up irritating my skin! So, I hit pause on the retinoids and serum, and focused solely on moisturizer to give my skin a chance to recover before reintroducing retinoids into my routine. Building up tolerance is key!

I’m all about taking breaks too. Sometimes, I give my skin a breather from all the products and just focus on repair. And my go-to during those breaks is baby rash cream! It’s like the ultimate for skin repair.

Diet and Lifestyle:

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In addition to skincare products, your diet and lifestyle play a significant role in your skin health. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients that promote skin health. Drinking enough water helps keep your skin hydrated and supple. Moreover, managing stress levels and a good night sleep are also essential for maintaining healthy skin.

“It is undeniable that the skin is affected by lifestyle habits, and a consensus exists around lifestyle habits that negatively affect skin function.”2

Personally, I’ve never been one to follow a specific diet, and even when I struggled with acne, I didn’t dive deep into researching which foods might trigger breakouts. I’ve got quite the sweet tooth, and while I know sugar can be a culprit for acne, I didn’t want to deprive myself of the foods I enjoy.

Instead, I made some small changes. I ditched sugary drinks and switched to sparkling water—quite the adjustment at first (as I didn’t like sparkling water), but it helped me cut back on those sugary sodas I used to rely on. I’ve also ditched the sugar in my tea (I’m a big tea drinker!) and try to avoid sugary breakfasts most days. I’m a snacker through and through, so I’ve set myself a snacking window, generally between 3 pm and 4 pm, and I save a little dessert for after dinner. (I should mention though that I am very lucky, I don’t have any food allergies and don’t need to follow any special diet for my health! )

Apart from that, I eat pretty much whatever I fancy, as long as it’s varied!

It’s also important to mention that I don’t smoke (never have) and I don’t drink alcohol (never have). I’m really sure that these habits have positively affected my skin.

But, my main struggles though are managing stress and getting into a regular workout routine. I know exercise is key for keeping stress and anxiety in check, but I’ve never been much of a gym person. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the importance of staying active. 

While I’m working on getting into a proper workout routine, I’ve found walking to be a source of comfort. I try to aim for 10,000 steps a day, especially during the summer—I just love it! For now, walking helps me a great deal with my struggles.

Source: Freepik

In conclusion, achieving healthy, radiant skin requires more than just using the right skincare products. It’s about understanding how to apply them correctly, being consistent in your routine, and considering the role of diet and lifestyle factors. 

By paying attention to details such as the proper application amounts and order, allowing adequate waiting time between layers, and maintaining consistency, you can maximize the effectiveness of your skincare regimen. Additionally, adopting a balanced diet, managing stress levels, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep all contribute to overall skin health. Remember, skincare is not just about what you put on your skin, but also how you treat your body as a whole. By following these tips, you can achieve healthier, more radiant skin that glows from the inside out.

What about you? What is your skincare routine? Do you have a particular order applying your skincare products or do you follow the theory? Let me know more about your skincare routine below!

Hope this article helped you in any way! See you soon, Beautifully Moi! 

  1. The National Library of Medicine: “Skincare Bootcamp: The Evolving Role of Skincare – PMC↩︎
  2. The National Library of Medicine: “The Potential of Exercise on Lifestyle and Skin Function: Narrative Review↩︎

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