Product Application: The Right Amount and Order (vs My Reality!)

Disclaimer: If pregnant or breast feeding, please discuss with your dermatologist which product you can use! Some acne treatment, retinoids and/or other acid treatments are forbidden if you are pregnant or breastfeed!  In my previous article, “Patience and Consistency in Skincare: The Key to good Results”, I emphasized the importance of patience in skincare, highlighting… Continue reading Product Application: The Right Amount and Order (vs My Reality!)

Patience and Consistency in Skincare: The Key to Good Results

In an era where instant gratification is the norm, skincare can often feel like a frustrating endeavor. It's easy to get disheartened when results don’t appear overnight, and this impatience often extends to our skincare routines. With the abundance of products promising quick fixes and overnight miracles, it’s tempting to hop from one product to… Continue reading Patience and Consistency in Skincare: The Key to Good Results

Rosacea: A Theoretical Exploration and My Personal Journey

Though we near the end of April, it's important to highlight that this month remains dedicated to raising awareness about rosacea (designated by the National Rosacea Society (NRS)). For me, that means sharing my story about this sneaky skin condition that crept into my life. It wasn't as obvious as some cases you might see,… Continue reading Rosacea: A Theoretical Exploration and My Personal Journey

My Personal Journey with Retinoids: How I Use Them

Important: Do not use any retinoids if pregnant or breastfeeding!  This will be my final article on retinoids... I know I've been talking a lot about this skincare superstar lately, but it's the talk of the town among skincare enthusiasts. It's something that people are really curious about and have loads of questions regarding such… Continue reading My Personal Journey with Retinoids: How I Use Them

The Retinoids Guide: Discover the Differences Between Tretinoin, Retinal, and Retinol, and the Implications of the New European Law

Important: Do not use retinoids if you are pregnant or breastfeeding!! After years of battling acne and desperately seeking solutions for radiant, flawless skin, I found myself immersed in a world of trying out various treatments. I've tried everything, even the highly controversial Isotretinoin (for more information, check out the articles: "My Quest for Perfect… Continue reading The Retinoids Guide: Discover the Differences Between Tretinoin, Retinal, and Retinol, and the Implications of the New European Law

My Skincare Routine After Isotretinoin: How I Care for My Skin Post-Treatment

*My routine in short, with an image at the end of the article* For a year and a half now, I've completed my Isotretinoin treatment. The changes I've noticed have been remarkable, both in terms of my hair texture and my skin. Although most of the medication's side effects have disappeared, my hair and skin… Continue reading My Skincare Routine After Isotretinoin: How I Care for My Skin Post-Treatment

My Post-Isotretinoin Journey: Assessment at 1 Month, 3 Months, and 1 Year and a Half

After two decades of battling acne, I finally decided to tackle it head-on at the age of 35 and embark on the Isotretinoin* treatment, despite my initial fears. The nine months of treatment were a real rollercoaster, marked by ups and downs. The persistent fatigue and muscle pains were sometimes unbearable, but the idea of… Continue reading My Post-Isotretinoin Journey: Assessment at 1 Month, 3 Months, and 1 Year and a Half

My Skincare Routine Under Isotretinoin 

Isotretinoin* is a medication that reduces sebum production, leading to dryness of the skin, mucous membranes, and hair throughout the treatment. The skin barrier weakens, resulting in dryness and skin irritation. Before starting my Isotretinoin treatment, my skin, sensitive with a tendency for oiliness, had dry areas, including eczema patches on the cheeks in winter.… Continue reading My Skincare Routine Under Isotretinoin 

My Quest for Perfect Skin with Isotretinoin: An Intimate Journey

At the age of 35, I find myself embarking on a course of Isotretinoin*! As mentioned in my previous article, I was aware of the controversy surrounding Isotretinoin and the potential side effects of this medication. Despite my apprehensions, desperation ultimately took over. My skin was the daily battleground of a constant struggle. Every day,… Continue reading My Quest for Perfect Skin with Isotretinoin: An Intimate Journey

Accutane/Isotretinoin: An Informative Guide to Understanding Acne Treatment from A to Z

If you have acne-prone skin, chances are you've come across Accutane or its generic counterpart, Isotretinoin, during visits to your dermatologist. Accutane/Isotretinoin is a medication that sparks a lot of debates, yet, according to doctors, remains the most effective treatment for acne to date! Before delving into my personal experience with this medication, I want… Continue reading Accutane/Isotretinoin: An Informative Guide to Understanding Acne Treatment from A to Z